Q : How much will it cost to migrate my utility metering services to The Meter Man?
A : Absolutely nothing! In fact, our qualified electricians will do a site inspection and check if the meter is in working order and put our Meter Man stickers and seals on. Contact our client service team by clicking here to take advantage of this offer.
Q : How long will it take to migrate my utility metering services to The Meter Man?
A : Within a week if we can. Obviously, the timing depends on the compliance of your current supplier in supplying the relevant information to us.
Q : How does The Meter Man ensure my utility payments are made on time?
A : We are painfully aware of the need for accurate, on time payments for your utilities and will never hold back payments that we have received through our vending channels. We aren’t even sure why some other suppliers wouldn’t do this! We also monitor the payments through your meters to pick up possible tampering and defaults as quickly as possible, so they can be rectified early on.
Q : How do I check and review what is happening on my meters?
A : The Meter Man provides a secure online portal where clients can log in to their profile at any time to check their meter’s performance. Furthermore, The Meter Man sends monthly status reports to all of our clients, showing the status of your meter accounts. We can also provide specialised reports for use in AGM or board meetings.
Q : Why is my prepaid meter beeping? What do the warning sounds mean?
A : If you meter is beeping it usually means that the units on the meter are low. Check the meter to see how many units are available on the meter.
With regards to error codes, it depends what type of meter you have. If you have a prepaid meter from The Meter Man, you can call call our office on 086 111 5612 or our after-hours support team on 071 552 6549 or 079 997 5671.
NOTE: please only call us if you have a meter from The Meter Man, as we are unable to assist you with prepaid meters from other companies.
Q : Why is my prepaid meter rejecting a token? What should I do?
A : First thing you can do is make sure you are entering the correct 20-digit recharge token. If the token is still rejecting, make sure you bought the recharge token for the correct meter number. Tokens can only be used with the prepaid meter number you entered when purchasing the token.
Q : Why is my prepaid meter blocked? How do I un-block it?
A : The owner, landlord or managing agent may have arranged for the meter to be blocked due to rent not being paid, late payments or other disputes with the tenant. A meter can also be blocked due to not having the correct information on the system.
Q : What should I do if I go on holiday?
A : It is suggested that you load enough electricity on your meter prior to leaving as a prepaid meter cannot be recharged remotely. We also advise that you do not load an excessive amount if you are leaving your home, as recharge tokens do eventually expire.
Q : Do prepaid meter tokens expire?
A : Yes, tokens expire after one year. Also, it is not advisable to buy a token and not load the token. Tokens must be loaded in the sequence they were bought. For example, if a token is bought and not loaded, and 10 more tokens are bought after the initial purchase, the first one will not be accepted as the meter loads tokens in sequence.
Q : Is there a minimum recharge amount?
A : A minimum charge on a meter is set if the municipal account shows additional charges that are being by the municipality to the owner.
A minimum charge is payable with the first transaction on a meter every month. If there are no additional charges from the municipality, a meter is only set on a flat tariff.
Q : What should I do if my prepaid meter number has changed?
A : You would know if your meter was replaced due to the meter being faulty, although this is very rare. You will receive a new meter number and the units you had on your previous meter will be transferred to your new meter. We call it a replacement token.
Q : Can my prepaid meter be hacked?
A : The meter cannot be hacked as it requires specialised software to be able to read the meter. This can only be done by The Meter Man or the factory directly.
Q : Can I install my own prepaid meter?
A : If you are a qualified electrician or plumber you may install your own meter, but you would need to send us the job card for the meter installed as we need to capture the meter number with your application form.